Why you need the Flowers Sticker Book for your Passion Planner!

Have you seen the flowers sticker book? You can find an Amazon link HERE {contains affiliate links}. GOODNESS, I love this sticker book. At first, I was extremely overwhelmed at the thought of using these stickers because the flower are HUGE. However, I have been pretty excited about the spreads that I’ve created using this sticker book. Here’s a reason why you need the flowers sticker book for your Passion Planner!

Plan with me in my Passion Planner using the Flowers sticker book!

These gorgeous, amazing, incredible PURPLE AND PINK flowers! I paired these flowers with similar colored stickers I found in the other sticker books that I have stockpiled at my house.

I’ve uploaded this Plan with Me to my YouTube channel! I do all of my videos SHORT and SILENT to keep it sweet and to the point. I have a way of rambling on if I’m talking on camera and the spread takes FOREVER.

Curious about what products I use and love while planning in my Passion Planner? Click below to find a constantly growing list of AMAZING planning products for your Christian Planner, Passion Planner, Happy Planner, and more!

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