Rock your Race with this 10K Training Program!

I am running my first 10K in May! The group that I am running with is FAST. There is no way that I will be able to keep up with them during this race. However, I am shooting for finishing the race at my own specified pace. A few months back, I began my search for a 10K training program. I had trouble finding a routine that is filled with small stepping stones and large gains all in one. Check out my Pinterest for the programs and regimes that I found.

Back in college, I earned a degree in Exercise Science. I did my cumulating project on writing a complete exercise and nutrition program for someone training for a fitness competition. What an amazing experience this was! For this 10K training program, I am applying all of the things I learned in college to get me ready for running those 6.2 miles in May.

I found a base program that I like. It has with many interval training elements that are great for training for races. However, that program didn’t have many LONG runs associated with it. I needed to add some things to the program to give me all of the elements that I need for my training.

First, the 10K training program is 3 days per week running very simple intervals. Next, two extra days are added in the program to incorporate longer endurance runs. Finally, you are doing long(er) runs throughout the week right before the race.

You can download your training program HERE. I like to pull it up on Goodnotes on my iPad and take notes as the weeks go along. I record certain elements such as distances ran, calories burned, steps per minute, pace, etc.

Side note – on my off days, I have been doing weight training. I didn’t add it into this program but you can easily add it in on your own!