Light Whipped Coffee Recipe

Have you heard of whipped coffee? It’s a homemade coffee craze that has stormed the internet – especially in light of the Coronavirus and everyone having to quarantine and stay at home! Here is my version of this delicious light whipped coffee recipe! How you like your coffee is completely dependent on YOU and YOURRead more

Marshmallow Fondant Recipe

This marshmallow fondant recipe is easy and delicious!

This Marshmallow Fondant Recipe is actually TASTY! None of that store bought nasty kind! Use this recipe and WOW your guests! I come from a family of bakers! We have our own business – Yappy Doo Cakes! When people order cakes, it’s unfortunate how often we get the response “I just want buttercream because fondantRead more

An Easy Flatbread Pizza Recipe for the Whole Family!

Grayson’s yeast intolerance has really thrown our family for a loop. We have had to rethink EVERYTHING about what we choose to cook for our family and/or what we eat out. Yeast is, unfortunately, one of those things that is seemingly in EVERYTHING. Things aren’t labeled “yeast free” and just because it’s gluten free doesRead more