Welcome to Designing Tomorrow!

Hi friends! {Imagine me typing that in the voice of my sweet 3 year old, Grayson}

I’m Angela. You can find out a ton about me at the About Me section of this blog — but for now, let me give you the quick version. I am a Christ follower, wife, mother of two humans + two dogs, teacher of tiny humans, crafter, small business owner, and really sleepy lady! I also have a pretty extensive resume of product review blogger at the site Wee Share.. which brings me to my next point>>>

I blogged over at Wee Share for nearly 8 years. My sister in law started the blog and it was amazing. She decided to step away from it and I took over full time. One day, I missed the notification that I needed to renew the domain name. I started noticing that my email connected to the domain name was acting really strange (i.e. NOT notifying me of 837283942837 emails every 5 minutes). This change in behavior for my email made me realize that something must be going on with the blog domain. I tried logging in to my Blue Host account… but couldn’t remember my password (of course). I tried to do the “forgot my password” thing.. but since my email wasn’t working… it didn’t work. I contacted Blue Host and they were 100% no help in resolving my issue. The blog ended up having to die, which was very devastating. After taking a few months off, I decided to start a brand new blog based on the name of my small business that I’ve had for years, Designing Tomorrow.

I’ve had an Etsy shop and a Teachers Pay Teachers shop named Designing Tomorrow for about 6 years now and so it only made sense to continue the uniformity with my blog. I will be posting some of the same content that was on Wee Share that I have saved on my flash drive because it was good stuff and it’s literally GONE – poof. Blue Host deleted all of it.

I look forward to this new adventure and meeting all of you! <3