Have Squeaky Clean Bathrooms with this Tile Cleaning Hack!

Cleaning grout has to be one of the worst parts of having a home. It is horrible. The scrubbing leaves my hands sore and raw for weeks. I recently discovered an AMAZING tile cleaning hack that you MUST KNOW ABOUT.

THIS is the kids’ bathroom. Gross. Yuck. Easily the nastiest place in my house 99% of the time. My littles and my dogs do a serious number to this room. I HATE cleaning the floors in this room. The tile is so small which means there’s a ton of grout. My husky LOVES to run into the bathroom any time the door is open and drink out of the toilet… getting the floor wet… which causes her muddy paws to get red Georgia clay all over the grout. YUCK.


This is an attachment for your electric drill to CLEAN THINGS. Um… whaaaat??

So here’s what I did to get my floors going from sad to happy!

The grout is a beige color, so getting it to all the way white is (obviously) impossible. However, the floors are SO CLEAN and comparing the two pictures you can see a big difference at the bottom and then at the top right!

First, use your drill attachment scrub brush to clean the floors.

I made a solution in a bucket with some lysol concentrated cleaning solution and bleach. It was heavily watered down. I used a handheld scrub brush to get the solution from the bucket to the floor and then used the drill scrubber to get all of the dirt off.

Next, use this solution to deep clean the grout!


  • 1 cup hydrogen peroxide
  • 1 cup baking soda
  • 1 squirt of dish soap
  • 1/4 cup of bleach

Mix those ingredients together and scrub them into the grout with your drill attachment brushes.

Let it sit for 10 minutes.

Then, wipe it up with an old rag. You’ll see a filmy/gritty layer of the solution still on the grout. I suggest getting a spray solution (409, Thieves, lysol spray, etc.) and spraying the floor and then wiping it up in small sections to get all of that off of the ground.

Let me know how you like this tile cleaning hack! I can not recommend the drill brush attachments enough – they are amazing!

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This is an amazing tile cleaning hack! Check it out!